A Delayed Homecoming: Interview With The 10th Grade Court

This post is going up months late however, the two people involved in this interview still deserve a spot light. Similar to last year I conducted an interview with the ones voted onto the homecoming court in my grade. This past year that happened to be Kendra Knutson and Kyle Haas.

The first interview was done with Kendra Knutson who is most prominently know at our school for playing basketball at Prior Lake.

Q. How does it feel to know you got elected by your classmates?

A. Good, because they see me as someone who can represent their class.

Q. How did you find out you were on the court?

A. My friends told me. 

Q. What went through your mind as you were watching the video?

A. Surprising, yet thankful.

Q. Did you think you were going to win?

A. Uhhh, no. 

Q. Are you scared to go in front of a large crowd?

A. A little bit, but not really.

Q. How are you feeling about the homecoming tour?

A. Excited, but nervous.

Q. What do you like to do on the weekends?

A. Hangout with my friends.

Q. What is one thing on your bucket list?

A. Go to Paris.

Q. How long have you been playing basketball?

A. I have been playing for 11 years.

Q. Do you play any other sports besides basketball?

A. Lacrosse.

Q. Where is your favorite place you’ve ever traveled too?

A. Costa Rica.

Q. What’s the biggest difference for you between Freshmen year and Sophmore year?

A. The amount of people I know.


The last part of the interview was with Kyle, who is most commonly known around our school as a sophmore playing on the varsity football team.

Q. How does it feel to know you got elected by your classmates?

A. Pretty cool.

Q. How did you find out you were on the court?

A. Just the video. I don’t know, people were telling us that we were going to win.

Q. What went through your mind as they played the video.

A. I hope the picture isn’t weird and it was very weird.

Q. Did you think you were going to win?

A. Yes.

Q. Are you scared to go in front of a large crowd?

A. No.

Q. How are you feeling about the homecoming tour?

A. It will be… I don’t know, I get to miss a day of school.

Q. What do you like to do on the weekends?

A. Hangout with friends.

Q. What is one thing on your bucket list?

A. I have no idea.

Q. Whats it like being on the varsity football team as a Sophmore?

A. Fun, I guess.

Q. Do you play any other sports besides football?

A. Basketball.

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

A. Oh my, ummm.

Q. Something one of the coaches has told you.

A. Wabbe says to eat.

Q. Whats the biggest difference for you between Freshmen and Sophmore year?

A. The friend group changes a lot. 

This may have been a late post however, both of them appeared very humble and well deserving to represent our school during the homecoming season and I am sure I am not alone in saying it will be fun to see where they both go from here.