The Wave

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Andy Mounesamlouath

Andy Mounesamlouath, Wave Staff

Senior Andy Mounesamlouath enjoys writing and exploring various worlds through literature. He’s involved in Link Crew, Yearbook, Asian Student Association (ASA), Interact Club, Youth4Youth, and The Wave. Outside of the grounds of PLHS, he works at Target and loves spending time with his friends doing random shenanigans. Despite being busy with work and school, he joined the PLHS Wave for a multitude of reasons. He enjoys writing in his free time and believes that writing for the newspaper would help build a stronger community in the school and help bring a voice to groups that might otherwise not have the opportunity to get one. He plans to attend the University of Minnesota or the University of Washington as a Psychology major. With time, he’ll choose and decide what college is more suitable for him, but for now, he likes to stay in the present and not think too far ahead into the future.

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Andy Mounesamlouath